​Movement Lessons to Move Well and Feel Better
Patricia Wahl, GCFP
Private and Semi-private Instruction
Appointments are offered in-person or online via Zoom

Functional Integration Lessons (FI)
FI is a form of The Feldenkrais Method which is performed with the student fully clothed on a padded table, some lessons may be in sitting and standing as well.
In this type of lesson, the practitioner connects with the student’s skeleton and nervous system through gentle touch and manual techniques.
By employing neuro-plasticity, the student learns about their movement habits and new options for moving.
Each session is unique, afterward, with students typically reporting feeling relaxed and moving with greater ease and less pain, along with improved posture and breathing.
After each lesson, you will take home information and new ways of moving that will help you to feel better and move with greater ease, and less effort on your joints and musculature.
Awareness Through Movement Lessons (ATM)
ATM lessons are a unique form of movement based on using neuro-plasticity to create long-lasting change in one's movement. ATM is typically taught in a group setting, but can also be taught to an individual who is looking to address specific concerns. This is a great option for those who want to avoid hands on contact at this time.
You will learn about your body’s habitual ways of moving, as Patricia guides you in lessons centered around specific movement patterns.
These relaxing yet empowering lessons can help you to create change in your physical and mental body, to assist in decreasing chronic pain, relax your nervous system, and help you to move with greater ease.
For semi-private lessons, grab a friend or your partner to share with the learning!
Individual Yoga and Meditation Instruction
Breath-centered and mindful yoga instruction in your home or online. See how The Feldenkrais Method can improve and create more ease in your yoga practice! Or, learn how to sit more comfortably and begin a meditation practice to cultivate focus and ease in your day.